The Irish Times has run a story about Muriel MacDonagh’s death just over a year from Thomas’s execution. It’s a moving story of the price paid by the families of those fighting for Ireland’s independence. There is a video with the article as well.

Thomas MacDonagh – Poet Patriot
A site devoted to the life of Thomas MacDonagh, one of the signatories of the Proclamation of Independence of Ireland.
The Irish Times has run a story about Muriel MacDonagh’s death just over a year from Thomas’s execution. It’s a moving story of the price paid by the families of those fighting for Ireland’s independence. There is a video with the article as well.
1916: Thomas MacDonagh, a personable revolutionary and a family man. The Irish Times writes “The Thomas MacDonagh papers: ‘I devoted myself too much to national work’ Thomas MacDonagh worried about his family not having enough money, during his life and after his death, letters held by the National Library suggest”.
They also made this video and has a video “1916: Thomas MacDonagh, a personable revolutionary and a family man”on Thomas’ papers at the National Library.
The Irish Revolution, a site by University College Cork and The Irish Examiner, 1916: CRISIS OF FAITH LED TO A NEW BAPTISM FOR THOMAS MACDONAGH is interesting article looking at Thomas’ change of heart from Catholicism to nationalism and rebellion. They also include his last words to the execution squad.
Thomas MacDonagh: one of the most fascinating characters behind the Rising is An interesting article read from the Irish Times.